As a leading manufacturer of medical devices, Wellead Medical takes great pride in our expertise in latex foley catheter production. Our advanced facilities, combined with our team of experienced professionals, allow us to consistently deliver high-quality latex foley catheters that meet the stringent demands of the healthcare industry.

The Key Role of Silicone Coatings

At the heart of our commitment to biocompatibility and patient comfort lies our innovative use of silicone coatings. By applying specialized silicone-based surfaces to our latex foley catheters, we are able to enhance the overall biocompatibility of the product, minimizing the risk of adverse reactions and maximizing patient comfort.

Silicone coatings are known for their exceptional biocompatibility, as they are well-tolerated by the human body and are less likely to trigger allergic responses or skin irritation. This makes them an ideal choice for medical devices that come into direct contact with delicate tissues, such as our latex foley catheters. By leveraging the power of silicone, we are able to create a smooth, friction-reducing surface that facilitates comfortable insertion and reduces the discomfort often associated with traditional latex catheters. 

Latex Foley Catheter Options for Diverse Clinical Needs

Recognizing the diverse clinical requirements of our customers, we have designed our Latex Foley Catheters which characterize various sizes, balloon capacities, color codes and lengths such as 2-way Pediatric, 2-way Standard, 2-way Female, 3-way Standard, and Latex Foley Catheter with Tiemann Tip. Our advanced production facilities are equipped with the latest technologies and automated systems, allowing us to maintain the strictest quality control standards throughout the manufacturing process. From rigorous testing to meticulous packaging, our team of experts ensures that every latex foley catheter that leaves our plant meets the most stringent industry requirements.

Wellead’s Commitment to Technical Innovation and Support

At the core of Wellead Medical’s success is our unwavering commitment to technical innovation and exceptional customer support. Our in-house research and development team constantly explores new ways to enhance the performance and functionality of our latex foley catheters, while our dedicated support staff ensures that our clients receive the guidance and assistance they need, every step of the way.


Wellead Medical‘s latex foley catheters offer enhanced comfort for people experiencing urinary difficulties. Through our robust manufacturing capabilities, extensive range of products, and unwavering commitment to innovation, we introduce cutting-edge technology and solutions to the worldwide healthcare industry.Trust Wellead Medical to be your partner in delivering exceptional patient outcomes through the power of our advanced latex foley catheter solutions.